The BrainTrainerPlus console is a purpose-built user-friendly device for people of all ages and motor skills. Although slightly larger than your regular household PC, it is still compact and easily portable.
Its most accessible feature is that it has no buttons and is a simple to use touch-screen console. It is designed specifically for people with visual and motor skill degeneration, which is the primary reason for its large size. The BrainTrainerPlus easy to use design immediately dispels fears of ‘not knowing how to use a computer’. This machine quickly enables participants to build their self-confidence by simply playing.
It is widely used for group activities by connecting it to an external screen, 1:1 or independently. The BrainTrainerPlus only needs a small desk or table near electricity to stand on, a comfy chair to sit in, and a lovely cuppa to accompany playtime. Internet connection is only required twice a year for the updates.
It is packaged in a custom-made case that contains the following items:
- All in one PC – 19.5” 1600x900 Multi-touch screen 1TB with 1-year warranty
- 1 USB Keyboard
- 1 screen cleaning cloth
This is where the fun begins.
The BrainTrainerPlus has more than 20 different games with thousands of playful questions, answers and interactions required. Each game or puzzle has levels with the idea being that you may start as a beginner … but you will always end as a winner.
The BrainTrainerPlus offers individual access through a login. This option is built-in to take users straight to their own level, so they can commence playing right where they finished off.
The software package includes:
- 2 years guarantee on BrainTrainerPlus software
- 2 years of updates (minimum of 2 updates per year)
Updates can consist of:
- Software update
- New content
- New puzzles
- New games
After two years there is a small fee to continue updating and upgrading our software.
However, if you opt not to participate in this, your BrainTrainerPlus will still operate effectively.